I was lucky enough to stumble upon Catalina Vornica's beautiful fashion blog Armoire Ideale. She has eclectic and daring style and I fell in love with her bold choices with jewelry. I had the pleasure of interviewing her and here's what she had to say.
Your blog is wonderful and I adore your sophisticated personal style. What would you say is the best part about being a blogger?
Hmm….the best part… free drinks and canapés at events? Kidding
Thing is, this is one of the best/fulfilling parts of being a blogger! It motivates me to continuously improve my work when I see it’s being appreciated. I know it sounds corny, but there is something genuinely heartwarming in receiving your feedback, when people who read my blog stop by and say: ‘Hey, I like this’ or ‘You inspire me’, I feel great, it’s so fantastic.
So, thank you Heather for expressing your appreciation and interest in my blog.
I see you are not afraid to mix it up and be bold with your jewelry, which of course I love! How would you say you choose pieces to be worn together?
I usually don’t spend much time choosing the accessories I am about to wear I simply pick something and try it on to see if it matches my outfit, but I pay attention at colors, shades, patterns and proportions.
Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry or a piece that means the most to you?
Yes, I know what you mean, I have one of those precious little things. It’s a vintage zebra shaped brooch which I simply hart. You will see her in the photos, she’s absolutely gorgeous.
Now on to the more fun questions. Just quick of the top of your head answers will be perfect.
What is your favorite thing to do on a Sunday?
Enjoying my loneliness far away from all the hustle and bustle of the city.
So where did you have dinner last night?
Enjoying my loneliness far away from all the hustle and bustle of the city.
So where did you have dinner last night?
I dined at a friend’s.
Dive bar or night club?
Night club.
The 20’s or the 70’s?
Jazz age, speakeasies, pearls, feathers, gloves and hats, authentic glamour, oh yes the roaring twenties!
Vintage or New?
Gosh, this is a tricky one, question that is. J
A little bit of both. A completely vintage outfit may look old, like grandma old, on the other hand wearing only new clothes is totally…dull. I feel the urge to mix&match, but that’s just me.
Thank you Catalina and please don't forget to visit her amazing blog Armoire Ideale.
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