So I don't know what it is about the guys here in New York but they all seem to have a some kind of serious bronchial disease. I am constantly dodging luggies as I walk down the street or jumping over the snot ponds that the men here love to create. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying I have never spit before, but there's a line that is crossed when I have to physically move out of the way to not get hit by a huge green snot rocket several times a day. Once after a lovely gentlemen that nearly doused me with his spit wad said and I quote, "Oh sh*#! That wasn't meant for you, but I'd like to take you out for lunch to make up for it!?" To which I responded, "Screw you and your never ending sinus problem."
To all the men in the city I'm here to tell you - Real Men Use Tissue!! (note the manly man pictured above)