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Nicole Kidman Sexy Photo

Charlize Theron most sexy picture gallery

Monica Bellucci sexy picture gallery
Written By sitemp3 on Kamis, 26 November 2009 | 01.50
Emma Watson's sexy picture
Written By sitemp3 on Senin, 23 November 2009 | 08.52
Sarah Gellar Photo
Written By sitemp3 on Kamis, 19 November 2009 | 20.31
Heather Graham Sexy Picture
Blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and possessing a sure bodacious je ne sais quoi, Heather Graham has had one of the more inspiring career trajectories of the 1990s. After debuting in the 1988 License to drive, which featured the Two Coreys and little else, Graham worked in relative obscurity for years before hitting it big in a string of successful films, including Swingers, Boogie Nights and Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.
Alyssa Milano sexy photo

Salma Hayek Sexy Picture
At long last, Salma made her way to Los Angeles. The 24 year old actress approached Hollywood with naïve enthusiasm, and quickly learned that Latin actresses were, if at all, typecast as the mistress maid or local prostitute.